Wednesday, 16 October 2013

The cove 

In class we watched a movie called the cove, the is in Tiaji japan. The cove is where they capture dolphins and kill them. Ric O'barry is a man who try's and saves the dolphins, the fishermen of Tiaji do not like when people try and take pictures or video's of the cove. There is a secret place were the go and kill the dolphins. Ric and his team find a way to capture sounds and images of where the kill the dolphins. The way they do this is the get fake rocks put the cameras in the rocks and place them in different spots around the killing zone.

The fishermen advertise the dolphin meat as wale meat. Dolphins have mercury in them. Mercury is a very high element, it is very poisonous. Mercury is found in small fish that get  eaten bay larger fish that get eaten by dolphins by then dolphins have high content of mercury. The fishermen sell it to schools the children eat the dolphin meat they do not now they are eating mercury. Children were getting sick the teachers did not now that  the dolphin meat was making the kids sick, tell the did test and that mercury was the problem.

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